19 November 2010

A Day @ The Zoo!

My husband and I took our 2 little girls to the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma for a fun family outting and i though it would be a good idea to snap a few photos!

16 November 2010

M - 11/15

I had a blast shooting with Megan!
These are just a very small portion 
of the photos that we took! :) 



09 November 2010

Caleb's Birth!

I was so blessed to spend more then 18 hours at
the hospital with Hannah awaiting the birth of
her handsome little boy Caleb.

Thank you so much!
Im so glad I got to be there & to take pictures!

03 November 2010

My Beautiful Children- E & A

Organizational Day with Daddy's company "B" co. & "A" co. :)  

A's New born Shoot

My youngest daughter was born at 29 wks & 4 days.
These are a few of the photos I capture our stay in the NICU.  


Above 3 Photos: Taken the day she was born.

Above & Below: A Few days after her birth

Above: The first time her daddy got to hold her

Above: Her hand on her daddys chest next to her sister's [13 months old] hand print.

02 November 2010

Emma & Her Daddy

Went out for a day at the park with my husband and our oldest daughter and took the oppertunity to take some special photos of them together! :)